If you consistently hit your appropriate macro nutrient targets , stay focused and committed to your gym routine, the macro nutrients can change your body composition using a wide variety of food choices that isn’t so restricting. Hence the term, flexible dieting!

However, food selection can be an extremely valuable tool to change your physique, enhance your performance and improve quality of sleep if you have big goals.

Satiety refers to how full or satisfied you feel in response to eating. Learning your body and what responds well to it teaches you what foods make you feel good, what foods fuel you for performance and what foods lower your energy.
Next time you’re done eating a meal, ask yourself “How am I feeling?”

While satiety is an important factor for food selection, we should BE AWARE of trigger foods. When you can’t put the spoon or fork down, it’s a problem. We all have these trigger foods and it’s completely normal. However, there is so much scientific research that food is highly linked to our emotions and those emotions influence what foods we eat. When we are emotional (i.e. tired, stressed, anxious or depressed) we are inclined to chose more palatable (usually higher calorie, carb and fat) foods which becomes troublesome when trying to hit macro goals.
This generally leads to binge eating episodes. To avoid this, learn and make note of what your trigger foods are. Then… harsh but true, DO NOT BUY IT.
If you truly want to learn and fuel your body for your goals, then be confident with your choices and keep it out of your house.

I understand moms and dads with kids. However, there are a couple things to think about- if you’re mindlessly snacking on your kids snacks, can we switch the kids snacks to something you’re not going to grab?
If your kids snacks are throwing you off your macros, are they even healthy snacks for your kids afterall?
Eating treats and snacks in moderation is great, that’s why flexible dieting is 80/20. However, be mindful of these snacks at are trigger foods. You control what comes in the kitchen and pantry at home.

When i’m on shift at the firehall, I can’t control all the higher caloric treats that are around me. This is where mental toughness comes in. You can learn control and portion size when you commit to it. It’s certainly not easy but it’s possible. Sometimes i’ll go as far as taking the snacks and putting them in the fridge, “out of sight, out of mind”, it does work!

Once you start feeling and seeing change, things become easier and more natural!

Happy Flexible Dieting!
