What happens to us when we don’t sleep enough?

Let’s begin with your professional life. When we don’t get enough sleep we tend to see decrease productivity compared to having a restful night of sleep. Research shows that people who lack sleep are not thinking as sharp and tend to make more poor decisions throughout their day. For this reason alone, I really feel for our emergency service workers: nurses, doctors, firefighters.. as they are usually asked to do very important jobs while under extreme fatigue.

Along with that, lack of sleep affects our physical health. Getting consistently poor sleep increases our chances of dealing with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and immunodeficiency, which is not good. These issues make life much more challenging and take away from what can be and should be an enjoyable experience.

This can all start to improve if we take sleep just a bit more seriously.

How can we fix it? 

 - Build a consistent sleep wake cycle that allows you to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night

 - Create a good sleeping environment (cool and dark room, comfy mattress and pillow)

 - Turn screens off 1-2 hours before sleep 

 - Cut caffeine out 6-10 hours before sleep

 - Do something you enjoy to wind down that does not involve technology. Examples include reading, stretching or meditating before bed.

If you can teach yourself to optimize the worlds greatest recovery tool, you will have more energy in your workouts, in your day to day life and best of all, be in a better mood doing it. 

Sleep well my friends. 

Coach Nani

[Exert from TRAINING FOR LIFE book that will be available soon!]
